Wantagh Middle School Kicks Off Fall Sports Season with Pep Rally
Wantagh Middle School fall athletes made their official debut in front of their peers, faculty, and staff during the annual pep rally on the Wantagh High School football field signaling the start of the fall sports season. Shortly after the crowd took their seats in the bleachers, the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the singing of the “National Anthem” took place before the Pep band got the crowd moving to a short version of “The Batman Theme Song.”
After members of the Pep band were announced, one by one, athletes ran, flipped or cart-wheeled onto the field after their name was called before moving onto the next team.
The Wantagh Middle School Dance Team performed a two-minute routine to Jennifer Lopez favorite “Let’s Get Loud” pumping up the crowd even more. After a few more teams were announced, it was time to do the Wantagh Rumble headed by the Wantagh Middle School cheerleaders.
After each team was announced, it was time for the famous Faculty Kickline featuring Wantagh Middle School’s finest. Patiently waiting for the start of the music, members of the kickline stood in formation on the 30-yard line with borrowed pom poms in hand. The Faculty Kickline made their entrance onto the field to the sounds of “Thunderstruck” somewhat like the moves of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders signature entrance. Performing to a medley of songs the crowd immediately called for an encore performance as they had in year’s past signaling the finale of the event.
Best wishes for an amazing season to all of the athletes!