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Absent/Lateness Procedures

When a student is going to be absent, please call the main office at (516) 765-4300 to report the absence. Please give your name, your child's name and the reason for the absence. When your child returns to school, an absence note signed by their parent/guardian needs to be brought in and given to your child's advisor.

When a student is going to be late, please call the main office at (516)  765-4300 to report the anticipated lateness. Please give your name, your child's name, and the reason for the lateness. When your child comes to school, he or she needs to report to the desk in the main lobby with their ID card and a note signed by their parent/guardian explaining the reason for the lateness. Failure to bring in a late note will result in detention.

Ten late arrivals to school will result in after school detention as well.

Photo of letter magnets spelling SCHOOL