Seasoned Musicians Share Their Talents at Band Clinic

The 90 students who comprise Wantagh Middle School’s seventh grade band got inspiration from the district’s top performers during a first-time music clinic on Dec. 4.
They gathered on the auditorium stage where they were joined by about 40 members of the high school’s wind ensemble. The seasoned musicians sat with their younger counterparts of the same instrument.
Seventh grade musicians performed songs from their upcoming holiday concert along with the wind ensemble members. This allowed the middle school band students to hear a more mature sound and see advanced playing techniques. The wind ensemble also played a piece while the seventh graders listened and watched.
“It’s really exciting for the seventh graders to see and hear what it could be like when you stick with your instrument and understand how much better you can get,” said sixth and seventh grade band teacher Susan Babcock. She added that one of the goals of the music clinic is to encourage the middle school students to continue with band through high school, a time when expanded course offerings means more competition for their schedules.
Ms. Babcock was joined at the clinic by fellow band teachers Dan Aviles, who conducts several high school ensembles, and Chris Cockren, eighth grade and high school band director. The music educators hope to make the clinic an annual tradition.
By seventh grade, students are typically in their fourth year playing an instrument. The band clinic aimed to take their skills to the next level with guidance from students who are music role models. The pieces were challenging, but the mood was light to ensure it was a productive experience for both groups of students. After playing together, the musicians were treated to a pizza lunch by the Wantagh Performing Arts Booster Club.